My Major In Criminal Justice

There are many career paths to take in the criminal justice field. Each career goes into the three branches of the criminal justice field: law enforcement, the courts, and corrections. Which goes into the criminal justice majors: police detective, prosecutor, defense attorney, police officer, state trooper, FBI agent, and forensics science. Although, there are many more majors in the criminal justice field to choose from. My main three majors: forensic science, police detective, and FBI agent. I never had my mind set on one specific major until I lost my older brother. The reason for that is because I would want to be able to help those in need of justice for their lost ones. Some may think “What does losing your brother have anything to do with your career major?” To be completely honest, when something tragic happens in your life; it takes a big toll on your life. In my case, going through this process with the courts and detectives, it is extremely hard to comprehend everyt...